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Keyboard Shortcuts

Performing operations on nodes through the right-click menu can be inconvenient, significantly reducing work and learning efficiency. Mind Elixir supports more efficient keyboard shortcuts, allowing you to smoothly create diagrams!

EnterInsert sibling node
Shift + EnterInsert sibling node before
TabInsert child node
Ctrl + EnterInsert parent node
F1Center mind map
F2Edit current node
Select previous node
Select next node
← / →Select nodes on the left/right
PageUp / Alt + ↑Move up
PageDown / Alt + ↓Move down
Ctrl + ↑Use two-sided layout
Ctrl + ←Use left-sided layout
Ctrl + →Use right-sided layout
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + "+"Zoom in mind map
Ctrl + "-"Zoom out mind map
Ctrl + 0Reset size