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Node Data

export type NodeObj = {
topic: string // Topic Content
id: Uid // Node ID (Auto-generated)
style?: {
// Node Style
fontSize?: string
color?: string
background?: string
fontWeight?: string
children?: NodeObj[] // Child Nodes
tags?: string[] // Tags
icons?: string[] // Icons
hyperLink?: string // Hyperlink
expanded?: boolean // Whether expanded
direction?: number // Node direction (Only effective for main nodes)
root?: boolean // Whether root node
image?: {
// Add an image to the node, must provide width and height when adding an image
url: string // Image link
width: number
height: number
branchColor?: string // Color of this branch
parent?: NodeObj // Parent node object (Generated by the program)
dangerouslySetInnerHTML?: string // Directly insert HTML

When using the image property, width and height of the image are mandatory. You can use new Image() to obtain them. For detailed methods, refer to this link.

Update a Single Node

You can use reshapeNode to update a specific node. Similarly, you can use the previously mentioned E function, where the second parameter is the node data to be updated:

mind.reshapeNode(MindElixir.E('d6e5f69edb6336c3'), { style: { fontWeight } })